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travail a l'etranger
Prix : 800.00 $
Annonce # 120676
Mis en ligne par : job961
Publié le : 2014-02-21 19:03:58
job961 job contracts: Job offers by work visa and Immigration contract for Dancers and Hostess .all dancing style as Go-Go, Style, Street, Plastic, Belly dance and others. Hostess work in consummation inside the club (no experience need). Salary starting 700$-1500 +% from consummation paid every month. Accommodation, work visa+Insurance.the flight ticket we buy in credit. Documents which you need to apply for the job: 1- Color copy of your passport (validation minimum of 9 months) 2- Face photo for visa size 3x4 (must be hair up, clear resolution) 3- 2-3 any of your photos full size. 4- Small CV (age,height,weight,language,experience if is) 5- Your contact info (Telephone number,E-mail,Whatsapp etc….) details: Skype:job-961@ Tel
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